Update Available!

New Features

  • Action History Pot Odds 888 Poker
  • Huge update for 888 and WSOP users!

    Advanced Overlays are now available for 888 and WSOP.

  • New 888 and WSOP features added:

    • Pot Odds, Stack to Pot Ratio, Effective stack overlays.
    • Action History overlay.
    • Player Positions overlay.
    • Players in hand overlay.
    • Facing Bet (times multipliers) now available in bet buttons/bet box overlays.
    • Geometric bet sizing support added to bet buttons overlay.
    • Improved speed and corrected formula for Set Bet Size hotkeys.
  • Note: Many new features may have already been in your version of IntuitiveTables however now they are officially no longer in beta.

Overlays Changes

  • Copy nickname 888 Winamax
    • Positions Overlay: Copy player nickname added when clicking position overlay for that player (Winamax/888).
    • Positions Overlay: Added option "Show hero position only".
    • Action History Overlay: Added option "Show raises in x".
    • Added "Take Screenshot" overlay and a table hotkey to trigger it.
    • Bet Buttons: Added Effective Stack (e.g .33 EF) as an option for custom bet buttons (Winamax/Ignition/888).
    • Bet Buttons: Added table hotkey "Toggle Betting Overlays" which hides/shows betting overlays on table.
    • Added decimal places option to SPR/Pot Odds/Effective Stack (default now to 1).

Session Changes

  • Session History Tab
    • Session History: Hands played graph is now cumulative.
    • Session History: Added "Winnings" column to Session history (tracked and added manually).
    • Session History: Added "Add Session" and "Edit Session" buttons.
    • Session History: Added "Hands/hr" to tracked stats.
    • Session Stats: Added new stat "Show Hands per Hour".
    • Session Stats: Added option "Keep above all windows".
    • Session Alerts: Added alerts for when a Poker Lobby is first detected or closed.


  • PokerBros mouse wheel
  • Added option "Allow mouse wheel to bring up bet box"

    Use this option if you want the mouse wheel to work without first having to click the raise button on the table.

  • Note: Supported on PPPoker/KKPoker, uPoker, PokerBros, SupremaPoker, X-Poker, and HeroPoker.

IntuitiveTables Logo

IntuitiveTables Changes

  • Back up all settings
    • Added a better way to back up and restore all settings with Settings -> Back up & Restore options.
    • Settings will now automatically be backed up when IntuitiveTables closes.
    • Added option to disable tiling for each site in Site Setup tab.
    • "=" and "Enter" are now valid hotkeys.
    • Hotkeys configured in the Table Hotkeys tab now won't get eaten on sites that don't support it.
    • Betting hotkeys: Set Bet Size hotkey sizings are now displayed as a percent.
    • Game Controller tab updated.

Winamax Changes

  • Copy player nickname added when clicking the IntuitiveTables position overlay for that player.
Ignition Poker

Ignition Changes

  • Added option to disable "Click hero's stack to toggle chips to bb".
  • Added "Bounties Collected" to Tournament Stats overlay.
Chico Poker

Chico Changes

  • Improved support for Spartan/Aconcagua/PokerDom/PokerBet/PokerMatch skins.

GGPoker Changes

  • Removed RNG Overlay due to GGPoker ToS.
  • All-in Or Fold (AoF) table urgency detection fixes.

888 Changes

  • Added option "Stretch table to fill slot exactly" for 888.

PokerStars Changes

  • Added unregister support to "Register SNG or MTT hotkey".

PPPoker Changes

  • Support added for multiple PPPoker instances opened with drivehud.
  • By default borders and overlays will now be disabled on PPPoker.exe and KKpoker.exe.

Revolution Changes

  • Revolution: Fixed bet sizing hotkeys broken in recent update.
  • Revolution: Added Fast Fortune support.
  • Revolution: Fixed Set Bet Size hotkeys and mouse wheel.
  • Revolution: Added option to "Auto-Accept table close warning".
  • Revolution: Added option to "Auto-click OK on cash game buy-in window".
Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with PPPoker/XPoker tables not resizing properly on Nox/LDPlayer.
  • Session History: Time now displayed in 24 hour military time (new sessions only).
  • Sessions: Fixed some issues with Session History tab causing IntuitiveTables to freeze.

Ready to get started?

The free two week trial includes access to all available features. No credit card is required.